YouTube Channel Audit


No Gimmicks! No Spam! No cookie-cutter advice that doesn’t match your channel or content!  No “pay for play tactics!”

A genuine YouTube Audit of your channel. We’ll do a deep dive of your channel’s metrics, videos and audience. Then, we’ll compile it all into a single document. Includes a 30-minute Zoom or Phone Call to go over the results.


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No gimmicks. Too many people offer paid subscribers, viewers or clicks. These are bad business practices that actually hurt your channel, and mess up your chances of succeeding in the YouTube Algorithm. Don’t buy fake metrics.

I’ve been running YouTube channels for over a decade. No matter the size of your channel, I’ll give you a deep dive of your analytics to highlights what’s going great, what’s holding you back, and what opportunities you have. YouTube isn’t an overnight success. It’s marathon, not a sprint. And like any good race, we make adjustments along the way to keep us on track.

In 3 days, I’ll dive into your channel analytics and then provide a PDF document tailored specifically to you and your channel. I’ll also make suggestions to help your videos get seen and viewed by your audience.

Sometimes, we just need an outside voice to tell us what we need to change. No Gimmicks! No Spam! No cookie-cutter advice that doesn’t match your channel or content!

What we’ll need:

  • Channel name and niche
  • Account Manager Access
  • Your goals for your channel

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