Should I Hire a Remote Video Editor?
- Lucas
- 19 May 2023
- Blog, Video Marketing, YouTube
- Collaboration, Communication, CreativeSolutions, DigitalNomad, FlexibleSchedule, Freelancing, RemoteCommunication, RemoteVideoEditing, RemoteWork, Telecommuting, VideoEditing, VirtualTeamwork, WorkFromHome, WorkLifeBalance
Telecommuting and remote work are two of the most common phrases circling small businesses and multibillion-dollar corporations. The benefits have been talked about every which way – time saved in commute, less exposure to sickness, less overhead for a business, and employees tend to love the idea of working in their PJs.
But what’s it like? Does it work? How about from the perspective of a Video Editor?
Remote Work – What it Looks Like in 2023
Remote work, or working from home, doesn’t necessarily mean that someone is a freelancer – though is perception is that it’s predominantly the workforce. According to a State of Remote Report 2020 by Buffer, 43% of remote workers said that part of the team is full-time and part-time. Another 30% said that everyone works remotely from their company, while only 3% were freelance.
This is a huge shift in demographics, and a welcome one!
More companies are realizing that they can have employees work remotely. But this also means that the stigma of a self-employed Freelancer hustling from their living room couch is also changing.

Remote Work – As a Video Editor
To be completely honest, the largest problem that I deal with as a remote worker is the remoteness of it. I’m a true-blue Introvert, so I love myself some me time! It’s not that! Give me a laptop, a coffee shop, and free wi-fi and I’m golden for hours! I also love the ability to move around and still be accessible to my clients no matter where I am on location.
It’s that as a Remote Worker, the solutions to simple workplace problems encourage you to get a little creative.
Say you have 100Gbs of video footage you want me to look over. In an office situation, you just drop off the hard drive and I get to work. But, when you’re in London and I’m in Massachusetts, that’s a different kind of issue. Is it impossible? No. it just requires some creativity. Dropbox, Frame.io, WeTransfer, and the postal system all can play a part.
Remote Communication – AKA Telecommuting
Collaboration and communication is also a challenge at times but depends on the client. An email is a great tool, and I find myself working on Slack, WhatsApp, text, email and other messenger systems to work within the customer’s comfort zone. Again, is this insurmountable? No, it just requires a creative approach to communication.
In the end, isn’t that the definition of telecommuting? Communication by some other means than face to face.
My clients and I have watch parties to go through an edit, share videos on YouTube and Vimeo, leave notes on Dropbox, etc.
A surprising 20-percent of remote workers in Buffer’s study said that they found communication difficult and another 10-percent said timezones made an issue.
I try to be upfront with my clients regarding the time zone difference if one exists.

The Biggest Benefit of Working Remotely
Is it a flexible schedule? The ability to work from anywhere? Not having a commute? Being available to my family whenever possible (and throughout my workday)?
All are amazing.
However, I think the biggest benefit is ironically enough the remoteness of it. Whereas before I said being away from the general location was a problem, it’s also the greatest thing. My scope of client work isn’t just the guy who can find me on my local white pages or at the Chamber of Commerce. I’ve worked with clients from around the world, all from the comfort of wherever they are and where I am.
The remoteness of it takes out the stress of a physical location to the exclusion of all else. Because, in the end, my business is the product – your video. It doesn’t matter that I was in a hotel lobby, in an office chair, in a coffee shop, on a beach, at an office, or in a studio. Your viewers don’t know and don’t care about that part. They care about the product that they are watching.
We’re in this together, and in the end, the only thing the customer cares about is if the video is worth watching, and then (hopefully) that your product is worth buying.
Remote Work in 2023 – Would I Recommend It?
As a professional video editor that has enjoyed finding creative solutions, wholeheartedly. Yes.
I’d say that it many ways, having the ability to work remotely is perfectly suited for Video Editors. It allows us to get into the world that we’re creating on your screens. It’s also a wonderful way to meet new people, be accessible to more people, and go where the work is.
However, I will admit, that working remotely isn’t for everyone. Some people get distracted at home or find it hard to unplug. For my family, we have a set schedule for work so that we’re “closed for business” after certain hours. We don’t reply to emails anymore or talk about the business anymore.
But, it also means that when life happens and the schedule goes haywire, it’s just as easy as flipping my schedule to suit to still meet deadlines.
Working remotely is amazing, and I could never imagine doing it any other way.
Have questions about our Unlimited Plans? These plans are best if you are planning to record your own content or have content, and need to hire someone to edit into a finished product.
$ 900 / Month
Unlimited videos at a flat-fee. If you need more than one video or are looking at regular monthly work this is a great option.
- 24-48 Hour Turn Around
- Unlimited Versions
- Royalty Free Music
- Stock Footage
- Lower Thirds and Animation
- Captions and Subtitles
- IG Reels Versions
- #shorts Versions
- Custom YouTube Thumbnails
- YouTube Channel Audit
- YouTube Channel Management
- YouTube SEO & Strategy
- Formatted for Any Socail Media
- Dedicated Video Editor
$ 810 / Quarterly
Save $270 by paying quarterly
Unlimited videos and video editing at a huge discount on the monthly or individual plan.
- 24-48 Hour Turn Around
- Unlimited Versions
- Royalty Free Music
- Stock Footage
- Lower Thirds and Animation
- Captions and Subtitles
- IG Reels Versions
- #shorts Versions
- Custom YouTube Thumbnails
- YouTube Channel Audit
- YouTube Channel Management
- YouTube SEO & Strategy
- Formatted for Any Socail Media
- Dedicated Video Editor
YouTubers's Annual
$ $720 / Month
Save $2,160 by paying annually.
For you, video isn't a one-off thing. It's a weekly, monthly, and annual commitment. Pay only once a year for unlimited youtube videos over a year!
- 24-48 Hour Turn Around
- Unlimited Versions
- Royalty Free Music
- Stock Footage
- Lower Thirds and Animation
- Captions and Subtitles
- IG Reels Versions
- #shorts Versions
- Custom YouTube Thumbnails
- YouTube Channel Audit
- YouTube Channel Management
- YouTube SEO & Strategy
- Formatted for Any Socail Media
- Dedicated Video Editor
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